Monday, May 19, 2008

Legion Kill Count: Mark Waid 2, Geoff Johns 1

The solicits for DC are due today, and it's a good bet that it will feature one of the last issues of this incarnation of the Legion. Why? The threeboot was doomed the second Geoff Johns brought the Levitz Legion back from limbo.

By the way, Keith Giffen is right, and Karate Kid does suck hard.

Now, let's be honest, most people like that version better, it was the original, and the current trend in the industry appears to be setting things back to 1984, no matter the collateral damage.

I read last week that Jim Shooter has been fired and somehow that does not strike me as a good omen going into the summer continuity-fest that is "Legion of Three Worlds" in fact, I would bet that the series is going to feature the reboot and threeboot being consigned to the deepest of canon backwaters, never to be seen again. All this in order to hammer home that the original Legion is back and better than ever.

Which isn't a good idea.

Here's the thing, the Legion that Geoff Johns is pushing on us hasn't been featured in a comic for over twenty years. Oh, techinically the first Legion didn't get rebooted until 1994, but I'm pretty sure that Johns doesn't intend for the Giffen/Bierbaum run to count: know, the Earth still exists in "Superman and the Legion" or whatever that Action Comics story was called.

Odds are if you were born after 1985 you don't really have an attachment to the original Legion, because the Legion of your youth was either the Peyer/Waid reboot, the underrated DnA run, or maybe even the new Waid/Kitson threeboot. So the cost of bringing back the first Legion is alienating anyone under 22. ("The Legion you grew up with doesn't count! Congratulations!")

And for what, let's be honest, most of the original Legion stories were your typical Silver Age stories that are great if you want something to make fun of, but not something that really need to be continuity.

Besides, a lot of the problems with continuity that originally derailed the Legion are still there. Remember the Pre-Crisis Supergirl, well...

Keep in mind, Supergirl was featured in the Great Darkness Saga, a bunch of other stories, and was heavily involved with Brainiac 5's search for the identity of Sensor Girl:

So, it looks like the retcon parade is going to have to start up again.

And, if that doesn't convince you, how about the fact that Lightning Lad has been turned in White Trash of the Future:

Well, until the next time I have incoherent rambling thoughts about comics...

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