Sunday, July 27, 2008

Suggestions For Geoff Johns

Hey, good news, apparently Barry Allen is coming back. Now his comic didn't see particularly well when he was the Flash, and he primary characterization over the last twenty years was, "That guy who was really good at being the Flash and who's standard must be upheld."

You know, I can understand why you'd want to replace Wally West as the Flash, because you made the fundamental mistake of giving him a family, but two things:

A) To the extent the status quo of Wally's life is a problem, I don't know I'd hand the book back to the guy who screwed it up in the first place.

B) The last time that DC decided to replace Wally West with a guy whose name was B. Allen this happened:

Which, in short order, led to this:

Also, I can't imagine how this makes sense from the standpoint of marketing the Flash to new readers. Barry Allen died in 1985, there's no good reason to go back.

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