Monday, June 9, 2008

Wonder Woman Sucks, Part Two

Anyway, to finish up my examination of Wonder Woman in the Post-Crisis era, I now come to a long period of half-finished ideas.

The Eric Luke Run
Issues: #139-153, 157-160

In this run, Luke introduces the Wonderdome (a new base that eventually becomes sentient and falls in love with Wonder Woman) and a villain called Dr. Poison. Yeah, it's not-so-good.

The Phil Jimenez Run
Issues: #164-188

I guess this isn't that bad a run, but it's not really that good. Although this run does include the coming of democracy to Paradise Island, which seems like it kind of misses the point, in the sense that if there's one place where you shouldn't even try to worry about underlying origins of political power, it's a secluded island populated solely by a race of magical women.

Also, Jimenez brings back some supporting characters from other writers' stories in an attempt to make a supporting cast that isn't wholly transitory. He doesn't succeed.

The Greg Rucka Run
Issues: #195-226

I probably didn't like Rucka's Wonder Woman as much as everyone else, but I did think it was pretty good....right up until it got fatally derailed by the build-up to Final Crisis, and that was that.

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